Alberta Printmakers facilitates contemporary interpretations of print media in culture.

Alberta Printmakers is committed to excellence in the arts through the provision of exhibitions, programming, production facilities for printmaking and educational opportunities.

Alberta Printmakers uses its capacity to engage a diverse audience, to disseminate artistic ideas and to contribute to the progression of a vibrant arts culture.

Alberta Printmakers (A/P) is a non-profit, artist-run centre founded in 1989 in Calgary, Alberta. The organization’s goals are to increase public awareness of print media, to engage a diverse audience and to provide resources for the artistic community and production facilities for printmaking.

A/P has an open membership and is governed by a board of directors. Management and administration of A/P’s activities are the responsibility of its Funding and Communications Director and its Gallery and Studio Director. A/P also hosts a summer student program, as well as a residency program.

4025 4th Street Southeast
Calgary, Alberta
T2G 2W4

Opening Hours: 

Wednesday – Saturday, 11 am–4 pm

Working Language(s): 

30th Anniversary Print: July 20, 2018
A/P's Main Space Gallery - 2019-2020 Programming: October 8, 2018, 4pm MST
A/P +15 WINDOW GALLERY: applications accepted year-round

Submission Dates: 

October 8, 2018


Gallery 1: 25 m2
Gallery 2: 4 m2
Studio 1: 17 m2

Please check the Centre's website for the most current information.